Does Pooki's Mahi offer discounts or coupons?

Pooki's Mahi offers discounts on select products.  Click on Sale link (top of the menu) to visit the SALE collection.   Below are the standard discount codes on Pooki's Mahi's store:

CARD10 - Save 10% off all orders

FREESHIP - International Customers:  Spend $500 USD and use FREESHIP for free standard shipping anywhere in the world

FREESHIPCA - International Customers:  Spend $500 USD and use FREESHIPCA for free standard shipping to Canada


Pooki's Mahi reserves the right to offer customer or partner specific discounts in the future.

Pooki's Mahi does not offer "traditional" coupons where customers clip a discount offered in a local newspaper or grocery store.

Pooki's Mahi's discount codes will not work in Pooki's Mahi's Subscription store.

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