Do I receive a partner discount since I'm participating in an approved Pooki's Mahi RFP process?

No. A few ground rules:

  1. Suppliers and Vendors in an active RFI do not receive a discount.
  2. Suppliers and Vendors in an active RFP do not receive a discount.
  3. Approved suppliers and vendors who passed the RFP Pilot Launch and are have received multiple orders receive a Pooki's Mahi's Partner Discount after 1 year of the first paid invoice.

Example #1:

  • RFP:  MarComm Events - Celebrity Gifting
  • RFP Duration:  January 2013 - (no end date)
  • Media firm in an active RFP (MarComm Events) was invited to participate in the event on July 2013.  Event occurred in September 2013. Media did not meet Pooki's Mahi's RFP goals.  Pooki's Mahi terminates vendor relationship.
  • No discount provided to the vendor.
  • Pooki's Mahi identifies additional vendors for the RFP.


Example #2:

  • RFP:  Packaging - Certified ECO ecommerce/FFP packaging
  • RFP Duration:  January 2014 - (no end date)
  • Packaging firm in an active RFP (Packaging) was invited to participate in December 2014.  Final packaging received ECO and FFP packaging in April 2015. Pooki's Mahi receives the first invoice in February 2015.  
  • Pooki's Mahi continues supplier relationship and kicks off the second pilot to further assess the supplier.
  • Specific discount code for the supplier will be provided on February 2016


Pooki's Mahi refuses to collaborate with a supplier or vendor who exhibits entitlement behavior.  Pooki's Mahi will terminate all POs and work if a supplier or vendor exhibits entitlement behavior.

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